US War Dogs Association Chapter 1 | US War Dogs | Archive | World War I | stubby02


Beale's squadrons shared WWI battlefields with Sgt. Stubby

9/18/2013 - BEALE AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. -- During World War I, tales of sacrifice and heroism emerged from battlefield. These heroes came from all walks of life; one such hero happened to walk on all fours.

He was a bulldog named Sgt. Stubby.

He served in 17 battles and fought in four major allied offensives with Beale's 1st Reconnaissance Squadron, 12th RS and 99th RS, which provided air support.

Stubby became the most decorated war dog in WWI and the first dog to be given a rank by the U.S. Armed Forces. But, Stubby wasn't a military working dog. He was a stray.


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